Do not hit the drag queen

Six Drag Queens from Helsinki decide to go on a road trip on the Finnish country side. They mean to spread joy and have fun but they are also afraid – how will the ”cave men” of the country side react when they see a group of men, all dressed up in fancy women's cloths? Do Not Hit The Drag Queen is really about how many gay people have an urge to show: this is me, this is what I'm like, look at me, I'm proud!


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Längd: 27 min. 30 sek.



HD 1920x1080

Finland 2013

Medverkande: Kim Gustafsson, Pekka Saukkonen, Mikko Autio, Veli Toppinen, Jaakko Toivo, Juha Rytilahti

Regi, Foto: Johan Karrento

Klipp: Okku Nuutilainen

Manus: Johan Karrento. Okku Nuutilainen

Ljudmix & Ljuddesign: Ville Kuukka, Project Echo

Färgkorrektur: Jussi Myllyniemi, Trix

Producent: Johan Karrento

Producerat för: Peter Berndtson SVENSKA YLE, Seportaget


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